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How to Supercharge Your Birthday Using the Law of Attraction

Grab your party hat, cut yourself a slice of cake and don’t forget to make a wish because today, we’re talking about birthdays!

In honor of Marie Diamond celebrating her 60th birthday today, here’s a list of ways that you can use the Law of Attraction to make your next birthday one that’s bursting with abundance. 

Another Year Older, Another Fresh Start

On the day before your birthday, take a pen and paper and give yourself no more than five minutes to write down all the things you’d like to leave behind:

Being a people pleaser

Wearing sweatpants five days out of the week

Holding on to past resentments

Mindlessly scrolling on social media

Not trusting my intuition

It doesn’t matter whether it’s something big or small, just so long as it’s something you want to part ways with. Remember, in the Law of Attraction, releasing things that no longer serve us allows us to make room for new, better things. 

Once the five minutes is up, let yourself look over the list and then burn it in a heatproof dish. 

Now, taking a new sheet of paper, write down the things that you’d like to attract this year. With another year of wisdom and experience under your belt, think carefully about what it is you want for yourself based on the lessons you have learnt. 

This can be anything from wanting to take your newly found passion of baking to the next step by opening up your own online bakery to learning to speak up against people who disrespect your personal boundaries. Once you’ve finished, place the sheet of paper in a gold envelope and put it in your Success Direction.  

Count Your Blessings

On the morning of your birthday, show the Universe how grateful you are for all it's given to you by making a gratitude list. You can write it down on paper, type it out on the Notes app on your phone, or you can even just list things out loud. 

Think about all the incredible things that have happened since your last birthday, and about all the many opportunities and experiences that the Universe has given to you. In the Law of Attraction, showing gratitude helps you to attract more positive experiences. It also helps promote a more optimistic mindset and keeps you mindful of all the amazing things that are already in your life. 

If you want, you can go one step further and make this the start of your daily gratitude exercise! Take just five minutes out of your routine each evening to sit down and think about five good things that happened that day. Over time, you can increase the number from five to right, to ten, even to twenty! Gratitude is like a muscle – you start to see the benefits when you exercise it regularly. 

Go For a Birthday Walk

Spending some time outside, surrounded by trees and wildflowers, is a great way to help ground yourself and reflect on the year gone by. In today’s busy times, it can be a rare treat to take a leisurely stroll and be at one with nature. 

Not only that, it’s also a great way to see if the Universe has any special birthday messages to give to you. Pay close attention to what you see – animals, trees, the shapes of the clouds, the people you pass - and don’t be surprised if you find yourself struck by new ideas or sudden inspiration!

Treat Yourself

If you can’t spoil yourself on your birthday, when else can you?! Reward yourself for how far you’ve come on your transformational journey by indulging your senses with a range of treats.  

Buy yourself a beautiful bouquet of freshly cut flowers. Cook yourself your favorite, most delicious meal or better yet, have someone cook it for you! Listen to your favorite music and give yourself permission to sing and dance along. Put on your best outfit and be sure to use the perfume that you’ve been saving for a “special occasion”. You are worthy of celebration, so be sure to let the Universe know that you are someone who deserves to feel good. 

Many happy returns!

With Love,

Marie Diamond

Master Teacher of the Law of Attraction, star in “The Secret”, and Feng Shui and Energy Master

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