Feng Shui SOS: "How Do I Get Over My Ex?"

“It’s not you, it’s me…”

“I don’t think this is working out…”

“Maybe we should just be friends…”

Parting ways with a partner is never easy. Even the most amicable of break-ups can stir up a lot of complicated emotions. You may find yourself overwhelmed with thoughts of “Did I do something wrong?”, “I don’t know how I’m going to cope without them”, or “Why can’t I find someone nice?”. 

Whilst these thoughts and feelings are very natural, problems can arise when you’re unable to overcome them. If you feel yourself stuck and unable to move on from a past relationship, here are some Feng Shui secrets to help you let go and keep your sights firmly set on better things to come!

Write a Letter of Forgiveness

No good relationship ever ended in a break-up, which is to say that something must have gone wrong in order for someone to have called it quits. This can result in lingering feelings of blame, regret, betrayal, and even just plain old sadness. Ruminating never solved anything, so try this powerful exercise to help release some of those feelings. 

Take a violet piece of paper, or else use a pen with violet ink, and write a letter of forgiveness to your past partner. Use this chance to write down everything that you wish you could have said to them in person, and don’t be afraid to be brutally honest. Once you’ve finished, end the letter by thanking them for the good times that you’ll treasure, and for the bad times that helped you grow stronger. Write out the words “I forgive you”, and then sign and date the letter. 

The next sunny day, go outside at noon and burn the letter in a heat-proof container. As the paper slowly burns to embers, the emotions of the letter are released to the Universe. 

Similarly, consider writing a forgiveness letter to yourself too, forgiving yourself of any failures or mistakes that you may have made during your past relationships. 

Remove All Physical Reminders 

It’s hard to move on from someone if you’re surrounded by photos of the both of you, taken during happier times. These may be comforting to you but they’re also keeping you trapped in a relationship that no longer exists. 

Look through your personal belongings and set aside anything that reminds you of your past relationships that you’d like to move on from. Place any letters, photos, and other keepsakes in a box, look through them one last time, and then get rid of them. By letting go of the physical reminders from your past, you give yourself permission to let go of the emotions connected with them. 

For an added Feng Shui boost, burn a violet candle in the Southeast corner of the room whilst you’re going through your belongings. Then, wrap up the items you’ve set aside in violet tissue paper before you place them in the box. 

Write Your Goals For the Future

Think carefully about what you want your post-breakup life to look like. Now that you have the time and energy to focus solely on yourself, what can you do to make the most of it? Perhaps you always wanted to enroll in an art class that your ex-partner thought would be a total waste of time? Or maybe now you can finally take that trip abroad that your ex didn’t want to go on. 

Open your mind to the amazing possibilities that are now open to you, and write down your goals for the future. For more information on how to write the most effective goals, check out this article on New Year’s Resolutions. 

Your Romance Checklist

Similar to the previous point, think about what kind of partner you want for the future. View your past relationships as lessons to be learned and figure out what kind of behaviors you’re no longer going to put up with. A partner that expects you to always pick up after them? A partner that makes fun of your love of soppy rom-coms? A partner that only ever seems to talk about themselves? We’re no longer putting up with that!

Grab a pen and paper and write down, in as much detail as you can, what kind of partner you want to attract. List their physical, emotional, and spiritual traits and be sure to write your list in the present tense:

“My partner can speak three different languages, shares my passions for fine art and searching for the best pizza in the city, and loves me for my positive outlook on the world. We will travel the world together and spend time together each week volunteering for our local animal shelter.”

Your Feng Shui Cleanse

To help purify your home of any lingering energy from your ex, burn lavender-scented candles. Leave bowls of saltwater in the corners of each room and leave them there for a week. Dispose of the water afterwards. 

Remove any mirrors from your bedroom. In Feng Shui, mirrors act to “double” the energy of the room, so if you’re going through a tough time at the moment, they can in fact be making you feel much worse. Make sure you have a strong, solid headboard on your bed so that you feel supported by the Universe. Open the windows for a short while each day to let in fresh air and get rid of any stagnant energy in the room. 

Most importantly though, believe and have faith that you are enough. Do things that make you feel good about yourself, and know that the Universe wants you to be happy. All you have to do is open yourself up to receive!

With Love,

Marie Diamond

Master Teacher of the Law of Attraction, star in “The Secret”, and Feng Shui and Energy Master


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