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The Best Way to Cleanse Your Crystals

Crystals play a very important role in Feng Shui. Both help to regulate the energy of a room, either by enhancing the flow of positive Chi (Feng Shui) or by emitting positive vibrations (crystals). 

Used for centuries for their healing powers, it’s believed that the vibrations crystals emit helps to increase the vibrations in our own bodies. This in turn can make us feel happier, healthier, and more positive. Not only that, but when they’re put in the right place in your home, they can help activate the area making it quicker and easier for you to attract what it is you’re looking for.

In order to keep your crystals working at their best, they’ll need to be cleansed regularly.  Not only for practical reasons, such as to remove any dust or dirt that they may have accumulated, but also to recharge the crystals’ energy. Luckily, this three-step method is the perfect way to  cleanse and recharge them so that you’re able to feel their benefits for the long term.

Step 1. Cleanse Them With Water

This is probably the easiest and most common method, but one thing to be aware of is that it’s not suitable for every kind of crystal. Some can actually be damaged when exposed to water, so a quick Google search or checking in with your crystal retailer will help avoid any potential accidents. 

If your crystal is water-safe, you can cleanse them with water in any of the following ways:

  • Giving them a thorough rinse under the tap and wash them clean with lavender soap

  • Soaking them in a bowl of saltwater for one hour to purify them 

  • Leaving them outside the next time it rains (just remember to bring them back inside again!)

Remember to make sure your crystals are fully submerged in the water, and be sure to gently pat them dry afterwards.

Step 2. Charge Them With Sunlight

During a sunny, cloudless day at around noon (since this is when the sun will be at the highest point during the day), place your crystals outside in the fresh air or if you do not have access to this on a windowsill with the blinds up or the curtains pulled back. You want to make sure that the crystals are sitting in direct sunlight for at least a couple of hours. The sun’s rays will help replenish their energy and recharge them. 

Step 3. Charge Them With Meditation 

Find a quiet place where you can sit and focus for at least five minutes without being disturbed (make sure to leave your phone out of the room too – nothing can ruin your concentration like the buzzing of Instagram notifications!)

Sit down, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Begin with the Tubes of Light meditation (you can gain access to this meditation and much more on the free Marie Diamond app, available for IOS and for Android). 

Once you’ve finished that, pick up your crystal and, holding it in your hands, begin to focus on how the crystal feels in your hand – acknowledge the weight, the shape, any ridges or bumps, and whether it starts to feel warm as you hold it. Then, visualize a bright, white light surrounding it. Imagine any impurities or negativity being drawn out of it, and the crystal becoming lighter. Think about your intentions, and what it is you want to achieve with this crystal. 

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and place the crystal next to you.

With Love,

Marie Diamond

Master Teacher of the Law of Attraction, star in “The Secret”, and Feng Shui and Energy Master

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