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Five Feng Shui Tips to Ensure a Happy Holiday Season

This time of year can be such a merry, joyous occasion, but let’s face it – it can also be a major source of stress! From hunting down the perfect gifts to putting together a festive feast that caters to both your vegan sister and your vegetable-hating younger cousins, having everything run smoothly can feel like a juggling act. 

To help restore harmony in your home, Feng Shui offers the perfect solutions. These five tips are quick, easy, and will activate the energy in your home to guarantee a holiday season that’s filled with love. 

1) Decorate the Dinner Table

There are certain do’s and don’ts when it comes to setting your Christmas table. Firstly, make sure there are no spiky plants on or near the table, like succulents or cacti. Not only can spiky plants disrupt the positive energy in a room, you don’t want to risk your great-aunt Rose catching her hand on a cacti spike at the table!

Place pink candles on the table to encourage feelings of love amongst your guests. To encourage feelings of joy and happiness, use orange or peach candles instead.

Finally, to ensure a balance of energy, make sure that all five elements are present at the dining table. Have fresh flower arrangements to represent wood, ceramic platters or crystal glasses to represent earth, silverware to represent metal, candles to represent fire, and a beautiful carafe of water or a bottle of wine or champagne to represent water.

2) Your Christmas Decorations

There’s nothing more festive than adorning your tree with colorful tinsels and sparkly baubles with your loved ones! Not only do they brighten up the room, your Christmas decorations can also be a great way to add a little boost to the positivity energy in your home. 

Firstly, make sure to get rid of any broken decorations, such as smashed baubles or burnt-out fairy lights, since broken items can hinder the flow of positive energy in the home. 

Then, have a think about your color scheme. Red and gold are excellent colors for attracting abundance, emerald green can help to boost your health, pink is a nurturing color for boosting relationships, and orange is a color for celebration. Consider what you would most like to attract for this Christmas season, and choose your colors accordingly. 

Plants and flowers are always quick-fire ways to increase the vibrancy of energy in your home. Try a potted poinsettia or a sprig of mistletoe for Feng Shui boost that’s fresh and festive!

3) Decorate the Front Door

Why keep the festive fun contained to just the inside when you can let your front door in on the action?

Keeping your entrance and pathway area well-lit is excellent Feng Shui, especially in the darker Winter months. Use this as an excuse to string up twinkly fairy lights around your door and windows. If you have any solar-powered lights outside, double-check to make sure they’re still in good working order. You can also invest in some LED candles and place them on the sills of street-facing windows - not only will they make your house look extra cozy, they’ll help add a little more illumination. 

No door is complete without a wreath this December. Pick up on that incorporates red and gold colors, or shiny or silky fabrics to attract abundance to your home. You can even buy a new, red-colored welcome mat for the holidays, but be sure to swap it back once the season is over. 

4) The Christmas Declutter 

One of the first rules of Feng Shui is that it requires space for the positive energy to circulate. If you have too much clutter or closets bursting with forgotten toys, that can quickly cause the energy to become sluggish and stagnant. 

In the run up to Christmas, it’s a good idea to have everyone in the household go through their things and make a pile of items (anything from old toys, clothes, shoes, or books) that they no longer want. If the items are broken and beyond repair, dispose of them. If the items are still in good condition, donate them to a local charity or shelter. That way, not only are you creating more space, you’re also passing on a little Christmas cheer to someone in need. 

5) Your Warm Home

As the temperature dips outside, it’s only natural that people gather round the fireplace. In Feng Shui, the fireplace can represent warmth, love, and companionship. 

If you’re lucky enough to have a wood-burning fireplace, now’s the time to clean it out and ensure you have plenty of logs to hand. You can even sprinkle a few drops of essential oil, like cinnamon, orange, or rosemary, onto the logs before you burn them to fill your house with a beautiful, warming scent. If the fireplace is in the center of the home, add a water element like a fountain of fresh flowers to help ease any potential tension between family members.

With Love,

Marie Diamond

Master Teacher of the Law of Attraction, star in “The Secret”, and Feng Shui and Energy Master

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