Five Easy Ways to Turn Your Car Into a Money Magnet

Whether you brave the rush hour traffic each day to commute to work or you spend each weekend hitting the open road in search of adventure, it’s safe to say that we rack up a lot of time sitting behind the wheel.

The state of your car can have a huge effect on your mood. Think about it: imagine you’re driving a clean, shiny car, the interior has that amazing new car smell, and the insides are neat and tidy. 

Now, compare that to driving a dirty car that’s filled with clutter. Which one do you think would put you in the better mood as you drive to work? In turn, which one would make you feel more productive and energized during your day? 

It's worthwhile spending a little extra time each day to make sure that your car is brimming with  positive energy. By using these four abundance-boosting tips based on Feng Shui, you can transform your car into your own personal, four-wheeled Money Magnet! 

1) Choose the Right Colors

When picking out a car, it’s best to stick to calming blues or metal colors (think golds, silvers and whites). These colors are not only soothing, but also help to attract success and abundance. 

Red on the other hand is a notoriously troublesome color when it comes to cars. Countless studies have indicated that owners of red cars tend to pay higher insurance premiums. It may seem bizarre that a color can have such a powerful effect, but it makes perfect sense in Feng Shui. Red is the color of fire and since a car is considered a fire element, when you mix the two together you have an overload of heat, passion, and aggression!

For the interiors, go with calming earth tone colors like beiges and browns to try to neutralize the car’s fire element.  From a practical standpoint too, these colors tend to be easier to maintain and less likely to show up any dirt. 

2) Ensure Your Car Smells Fresh

Seeing as a car is a small, enclosed space, making sure it stays smelling good is an absolute must. Pick air fresheners that contain essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint to help you stay focused, or lavender to keep you calm and relaxed. 

Scent is a very powerful tool in boosting your abundance. It can mean the difference between heading to your business meetings with a positive, “go get ‘em” attitude or a stressed, irritable one.

If you can, try to drive around with the windows rolled down to air out your car a couple times each week. In Feng Shui, if you don’t let in fresh air, it creates lingering, stale energy. This can leave you feeling flat and your finances stagnant. Opening a window is a quick, easy way to let it out and keep the good energy flowing!

3) Keep Things Clean and Tidy

As with the rooms in your home, you want to ensure that your car is fulfilling its proper purpose. Make sure that the things you keep in your trunk and glove compartment are things that need to be there, like maps, car tools and emergency supplies. 

Too much unnecessary clutter can make it hard for the abundance-attracting energy to flow. Try to set aside just a few minutes at the end of each workweek to return things to their proper places. 

If you have business files or personal possessions that you need in your car, keep them in a separate storage box in the trunk or out of sight. Keep a paper bag handy for any trash that you accumulate during your drive and toss it out at the end of the day. 

Keep the passenger seat free from clutter, especially if you’re on the look-out for a new business partner or client. You want to show the Universe that you’re ready for new professional relationships, and you have the free space to prove it!

Whether you go to a professional car detailing or you go at it yourself with a bucket and sponge, make sure that you’re regularly cleaning your car. Vacuum the inside, wash the windows, and give your floor mats a good shake.  

4) Gather Up Your Loose Change

Whether it’s for parking, tolls or your daily drive-thru latte, loose change is a common sight in most cars. Having coins or bills loose in the center console or backseat is actually pretty bag Feng Shui. It sends a message to the Universe that you don’t value money enough to store it respectfully. Instead, store all your money in a wallet and keep it in the glove compartment. 

5) Stay Safe

It’s not just the laws of Feng Shui that you should be abiding by, but also the laws of the road. Keep yourself and those you share the road with safe by driving carefully, calmly and within the speed limit. 

Use a hands-free device if you need to make a call from your car, or wait until you’re safely parked. Wear your seat belt and ensure all your passengers do the same. Keep a recent photo of your family close by, either on your dashboard or tucked into your sun visor, as a reminder for you to drive safely. 

With Love,

Marie Diamond

Master Teacher of the Law of Attraction, star in “The Secret”, and Feng Shui and Energy Master

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