Cooking With Good Feng Shui

It might not seem like it, but the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in a house. Think about it; if you’ve ever gone over to someone’s house for a party, it seems inevitable that everyone ends up in the kitchen! It’s the unofficial heart of the home, and it’s easy to see why. It’s the place of nourishment, of warmth and comfort. 

In terms of Feng Shui, the kitchen is closely related to money and your cash flow. A lot of the Feng Shui “must-do’s” for the kitchen relate to creating a space that honors and respects food because this in turn shows that you honor and respect your money. 

Your Fridge

The best kind of fridge is one that’s clean and organized, so make sure you’re clearing it out properly at least once a week. If you have any leftovers sitting on the shelf for more than a week, accept that you’re not going to eat them and throw them away! Wash the shelves with warm, soapy water to keep them clean and free from food debris. 

Pro tip: it may be tempting to place photos of your family and friends on your fridge, but that’s not a good idea according to Feng Shui. You don’t want to risk the cold energy from the fridge “freezing” your relationships with them. 

Your Kitchen Cupboard Pantry

When was the last time you went through all your cupboards and pantries? Expired food is not just a potential health hazard, but it can also be negatively impacting the energy flow of your home in a major way. 

Go through everything inside and remove anything that’s expired, spoiled, or smells a little off. Wipe clean the surfaces with some lavender oil-infused cleaning products and then place all the products that are still in date back onto the shelves. 

If you have any canned or dried goods that are still within their expiration date but you know you won’t get round to using, consider donating them to a local food bank or shelter. Aim to clear out your pantry like this once every three months. 

Your Knives

It might seem like a strange thing to focus on, but the correct placement of your kitchen knives (the ones you use to chop and prepare food with, not the ones you eat with) is very important in Feng Shui. Knives, with their sharp points, “stab” at and generally disrupt the flow of positive energy in the room. 

The best option is to keep your knives hidden away in a cupboard or a drawer. If this isn’t possible, you should at least have them positioned in such a way so that they’re not immediately visible when you walk through the door. 

Your Pictures and Plants

Avoid displaying any family photos in the kitchen. Since the room deals with a lot of conflicting water and fire energy, displaying photos can lead to turbulent relationships and arguments within the family. Instead, display artwork of things that will help inspire you whilst cooking such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs, and other types of healthy, delicious food. 

Finally, having fresh plants and herbs in your kitchen is an excellent way to boost the energy, keep things smelling fresh, and also by having something “growing” in the kitchen, it can help your money to “grow” too. Add these fresh herbs to your cooking whenever possible; they’ll help you create dishes that are good for the tastebuds and good for the soul!

With Love,

Marie Diamond

Master Teacher of the Law of Attraction, star in “The Secret”, and Feng Shui and Energy Master

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